The Celtic Religion
(The Ancient Celts)
Meiyoong Olivia Lui

The Human Search For Meaning
In The Celtic religion (The religion of The Ancient Celts) the human search for meaning in life is fundamentally recognisable within their religion and the inextricable connection they hold to the Earth and all other living entities.
The Celts do not regard themselves as being of a higher being than animals or plants. All living creatures are sacred to a Celt and death is not as feared in the Celtic religion as it is in others because of the Celts firm beliefs in reincarnation and the spirit realms.
The gods dont impart meaning to the Celts but rather they offer wisdom and advice or they give aid at during a particualr endevour. The gods don't sit and make judement after death pf Celts.
It is up to the Celts to make themselves the best possible self they can be. There is no greater meaning or purpose to the Celts than to be -
1.True to themselves
2. To follow the way of the divine
3. Fufill their duty to their clan/family